Wednesday, June 3, 2009

How to Quickly Chill a Wine Bottle

Q: What's the quickest way to chill a champagne bottle?

A: Ooh, bubbly!

1. Place the bottle in an ice bucket.

2. Alternate layers of ice with layers of salt.

The salt will make the ice melt faster and make the cooling action more intense.

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How to Make a Blackened Pot Shiny

Q: I've got an aluminum pot that's turned black inside. Is it salvageable?

A: So you want to make it shiny again? Try this:

1. Chop up a small apple.
2. Place in the pot with enough water to cover.
3. Bring to a boil, then simmer for eight minutes.

The acid in the apple should work its magic and you should be able to wipe off the black stains with soapy water and a sponge.

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Tuesday, June 2, 2009

How to Safely Pick Up Broken Glass

Q: I dropped a glass bowl in the kitchen and there are fragments all over that I can barely see. How can I safely pick up the broken glass?

A: Hmmm...

Use a vacuum and risk ruining the machine?

Use a broom to sweep the dangerous mess up. No broom and dustpan?

Use bread. Just lightly press a few slices over the area where the shards might have scattered.

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